Source code for

import numpy as np
from matplotlib.colors import hsv_to_rgb

from import min_max_scale

[docs]def hsv_image(hue, saturation, value): """Creates image in HSV format from HSV data.""" shaped = [field for field in (hue, saturation, value) if hasattr(field, 'shape')] shape = shaped[0].shape hsv = np.zeros((*shape, 3)) hsv[..., 0] = hue hsv[..., 1] = saturation hsv[..., 2] = value return hsv
[docs]def rgb_from_hsv_data(hue, saturation, value): """Creates image in RGB format from HSV data.""" return hsv_to_rgb(hsv_image(hue, saturation, value))
[docs]def gray_image_colored_mask(gray_image, mask, hue): """Creates gray image with colored mask. Keeps intensities intact, so dark areas on gray image will be hard to see even after colorization.""" return rgb_from_hsv_data(hue, np.where(mask, 1, 0), min_max_scale(gray_image))
[docs]def gray_image_bright_colored_mask(gray_image, mask, hue): """Creates gray image with colored mask. Changes mask intensities, so dark areas on gray image will be easy to see after colorization.""" return rgb_from_hsv_data(hue, np.where(mask, 1, 0), np.where(mask, 1, min_max_scale(gray_image)))
[docs]def segmentation_probabilities(image, probabilities, hue): return hsv_to_rgb(hsv_image(hue, probabilities, image))
[docs]def masked_segmentation_probabilities(image, probabilities, hue, mask): return hsv_to_rgb(hsv_image(hue, np.where(mask, probabilities, 0), np.where(mask, 1, image)))