Source code for

import os
import inspect

from .axes import check_axes, AxesParams
from ..itertools import *
from .shape_utils import *

def identity(x):
    return x

# TODO: weaken the restriction to same ndim
[docs]def apply_along_axes(func: Callable, x: np.ndarray, axis: AxesLike, *args, **kwargs): """ Apply ``func`` to slices from ``x`` taken along ``axes``. ``args`` and ``kwargs`` are passed as additional arguments. Notes ----- ``func`` must return an array of the same shape as it received. """ axis = check_axes(axis) if len(axis) == x.ndim: return func(x) other_axes = negate_indices(axis, x.ndim) begin = np.arange(len(other_axes)) y = np.moveaxis(x, other_axes, begin) result = np.stack([func(patch, *args, **kwargs) for patch in y.reshape(-1, *extract(x.shape, axis))]) return np.moveaxis(result.reshape(*y.shape), begin, other_axes)
[docs]def build_slices(start: Sequence[int], stop: Sequence[int] = None) -> Tuple[slice, ...]: """ Returns a tuple of slices built from ``start`` and ``stop``. Examples -------- >>> build_slices([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]) (slice(1, 4), slice(2, 5), slice(3, 6)) >>> build_slices([10, 11]) (slice(10), slice(11)) """ if stop is not None: check_len(start, stop) return tuple(map(slice, start, stop)) return tuple(map(slice, start))
def get_random_tuple(low, high, size): return tuple(np.random.randint(low, high, size=size, dtype=int))
[docs]def composition(func: Callable, *args, **kwargs): """ Applies ``func`` to the output of the decorated function. ``args`` and ``kwargs`` are passed as additional positional and keyword arguments respectively. """ def decorator(decorated: Callable): @wraps(decorated) def wrapper(*args_, **kwargs_): return func(decorated(*args_, **kwargs_), *args, **kwargs) return wrapper return decorator
def name_changed(func: Callable, old_name: str, date: str): return np.deprecate(func, old_name=old_name, new_name=func.__name__)
[docs]def get_mask_volume(mask: np.ndarray, *spacing: AxesParams, location: bool = False) -> float: """ Calculates the ``mask`` volume given its spatial ``spacing``. Parameters ---------- mask spacing each value represents the spacing for the corresponding axis. If float - the values are uniformly spaced along this axis. If Sequence[float] - the values are non-uniformly spaced. location whether to interpret the Sequence[float] in ``spacing`` as values' locations or spacings. If ``True`` - the deltas are used as spacings. """ from . import pad assert len(spacing) == mask.ndim assert mask.dtype == bool def _to_deltas(locations): ratio = 0.5 # to we need to customize this? deltas = np.abs(np.diff(locations)) deltas = pad(deltas, 1, padding_values=deltas.min()) deltas = ratio * deltas[:-1] + (1 - ratio) * deltas[1:] return deltas even = [] weight = 1 mesh = np.array(1) for axis, value in enumerate(spacing): value = np.asarray(value) if value.size == 1: weight *= value even.append(axis) else: assert mask.shape[axis] == len(value) if location: value = _to_deltas(value) mesh = mesh[..., None] * value mask = mask.sum(tuple(even)) assert mask.shape == mesh.shape return mask.flatten() @ mesh.flatten() * weight
def sigmoid(x): return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x)) # this function is too general, so nobody uses it @np.deprecate def cache_to_disk(func: Callable, path: str, load: Callable, save: Callable) -> Callable: """ Cache a function to disk. Parameters ---------- func: Callable path: str the root folder where the function will be cached. load: Callable(path, *args, **kwargs) load the value for `func(*args, **kwargs)`. save: Callable(value, path, *args, **kwargs) save the value for `func(*args, **kwargs)`. """ signature = inspect.signature(func) os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) def get_all_args(args, kwargs): bindings = signature.bind(*args, **kwargs) bindings.apply_defaults() return bindings.args, bindings.kwargs @wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): args, kwargs = get_all_args(args, kwargs) try: return load(path, *args, **kwargs) except FileNotFoundError: pass value = func(*args, **kwargs) save(value, path, *args, **kwargs) return value return wrapper