Source code for dpipe.predict.shape

from functools import wraps
from typing import Union, Callable, Type

import numpy as np

from import broadcast_to_axis, AxesLike, AxesParams, axis_from_dim, resolve_deprecation
from import divide, combine, get_boxes, PatchCombiner, Average
from ..itertools import extract, pmap
from import pad_to_shape, crop_to_shape, pad_to_divisible
from import prepend_dims, extract_dims

__all__ = 'add_extract_dims', 'divisible_shape', 'patches_grid'

[docs]def add_extract_dims(n_add: int = 1, n_extract: int = None, sequence: bool = False): """ Adds ``n_add`` dimensions before a prediction and extracts ``n_extract`` dimensions after this prediction. Parameters ---------- n_add: int number of dimensions to add. n_extract: int, None, optional number of dimensions to extract. If ``None``, extracts the same number of dimensions as were added (``n_add``). sequence: if True - the output is expected to be a sequence, and the dims are extracted for each element of the sequence. """ if n_extract is None: n_extract = n_add def decorator(predict): @wraps(predict) def wrapper(*xs, **kwargs): result = predict(*[prepend_dims(x, n_add) for x in xs], **kwargs) if sequence: return [extract_dims(entry, n_extract) for entry in result] return extract_dims(result, n_extract) return wrapper return decorator
[docs]def divisible_shape(divisor: AxesLike, axis: AxesLike = None, padding_values: Union[AxesParams, Callable] = 0, ratio: AxesParams = 0.5): """ Pads an incoming array to be divisible by ``divisor`` along the ``axes``. Afterwards the padding is removed. Parameters ---------- divisor a value an incoming array should be divisible by. axis axes along which the array will be padded. If None - the last ``len(divisor)`` axes are used. padding_values values to pad with. If Callable (e.g. ``numpy.min``) - ``padding_values(x)`` will be used. ratio the fraction of the padding that will be applied to the left, ``1 - ratio`` will be applied to the right. References ---------- `pad_to_divisible` """ def decorator(predict): @wraps(predict) def wrapper(x, *args, **kwargs): local_axis = axis_from_dim(axis, x.ndim) local_divisor, local_ratio = broadcast_to_axis(local_axis, divisor, ratio) shape = np.array(x.shape)[list(local_axis)] x = pad_to_divisible(x, local_divisor, local_axis, padding_values, local_ratio) result = predict(x, *args, **kwargs) return crop_to_shape(result, shape, local_axis, local_ratio) return wrapper return decorator
[docs]def patches_grid(patch_size: AxesLike, stride: AxesLike, axis: AxesLike = None, padding_values: Union[AxesParams, Callable] = 0, ratio: AxesParams = 0.5, combiner: Type[PatchCombiner] = Average, get_boxes: Callable = get_boxes): """ Divide an incoming array into patches of corresponding ``patch_size`` and ``stride`` and then combine the predicted patches by aggregating the overlapping regions using the ``combiner`` - Average by default. If ``padding_values`` is not None, the array will be padded to an appropriate shape to make a valid division. Afterwards the padding is removed. Otherwise if input cannot be patched without remainder ``ValueError`` is raised. References ---------- `grid.divide`, `grid.combine`, `pad_to_shape` """ valid = padding_values is not None def decorator(predict): @wraps(predict) def wrapper(x, *args, **kwargs): input_axis = resolve_deprecation(axis, x.ndim, patch_size, stride) local_size, local_stride = broadcast_to_axis(input_axis, patch_size, stride) shape = extract(x.shape, input_axis) if valid: padded_shape = np.maximum(shape, local_size) new_shape = padded_shape + (local_stride - padded_shape + local_size) % local_stride x = pad_to_shape(x, new_shape, input_axis, padding_values, ratio) elif ((shape - local_size) < 0).any() or ((local_stride - shape + local_size) % local_stride).any(): raise ValueError('Input cannot be patched without remainder.') patches = pmap( predict, divide(x, local_size, local_stride, input_axis, get_boxes=get_boxes), *args, **kwargs ) prediction = combine( patches, extract(x.shape, input_axis), local_stride, axis, combiner=combiner, get_boxes=get_boxes ) if valid: prediction = crop_to_shape(prediction, shape, axis, ratio) return prediction return wrapper return decorator