Source code for dpipe.torch.model

from typing import Callable, Optional, Union, Sequence

import numpy as np
import torch
from torch.nn import Module
from torch.nn.utils import clip_grad_norm_
from torch.optim import Optimizer

from import identity, dmap, zip_equal, collect
from .utils import *

__all__ = 'optimizer_step', 'train_step', 'inference_step', 'multi_inference_step'

[docs]def optimizer_step( optimizer: Optimizer, loss: torch.Tensor, scaler: Optional[torch.cuda.amp.GradScaler] = None, clip_grad: Optional[float] = None, accumulate: bool = False, **params, ) -> torch.Tensor: """ Performs the backward pass with respect to ``loss``, as well as a gradient step or gradient accumlation. If a ``scaler`` is passed - it is used to perform the gradient step (automatic mixed precision support). If a ``clip_grad`` is passed - gradient will be clipped by this value considered as maximum l2 norm. ``accumulate`` indicates whether to perform gradient step or just accumulate gradients. ``params`` is used to change the optimizer's parameters. Examples -------- >>> optimizer = Adam(model.parameters(), lr=1) >>> optimizer_step(optimizer, loss) # perform a gradient step >>> optimizer_step(optimizer, loss, lr=1e-3) # set lr to 1e-3 and perform a gradient step >>> optimizer_step(optimizer, loss, betas=(0, 0)) # set betas to 0 and perform a gradient step >>> optimizer_step(optimizer, loss, accumulate=True) # perform a gradient accumulation Notes ----- The incoming ``optimizer``'s parameters are not restored to their original values. """ set_params(optimizer, **params) if scaler is not None: # autocast is not recommended during backward with torch.cuda.amp.autocast(False): scaler.scale(loss).backward() if not accumulate: if clip_grad is not None: scaler.unscale_(optimizer) assert not isinstance(clip_grad, bool), "Use of boolean clip_grad value (e.g. False) can lead to " \ "unexpected behaviour. " clip_grad_norm_(get_parameters(optimizer), clip_grad) scaler.step(optimizer) scaler.update() else: loss.backward() if not accumulate: if clip_grad is not None: clip_grad_norm_(get_parameters(optimizer), clip_grad) optimizer.step() if not accumulate: optimizer.zero_grad(set_to_none=True) return loss
[docs]def train_step( *inputs: np.ndarray, architecture: Module, criterion: Callable, optimizer: Optimizer, n_targets: int = 1, loss_key: Optional[str] = None, scaler: Optional[torch.cuda.amp.GradScaler] = None, clip_grad: Optional[float] = None, accumulate: bool = False, gradient_accumulation_steps: int = 1, **optimizer_params, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Performs a forward-backward pass, and make a gradient step or accumulation, according to the given ``inputs``. Parameters ---------- inputs inputs batches. The last ``n_targets`` batches are passed to ``criterion``. The remaining batches are fed into the ``architecture``. architecture the neural network architecture. criterion the loss function. Returns either a scalar or a dictionary of scalars. In the latter case ``loss_key`` must be provided. optimizer n_targets how many values from ``inputs`` to be considered as targets. loss_key in case ``criterion`` returns a dictionary of scalars, indicates which key should be used for gradient computation. scaler a gradient scaler used to operate in automatic mixed precision mode. clip_grad maximum l2 norm of the gradient to clip it by. accumulate whether to accumulate gradients or perform optimizer step. gradient_accumulation_steps optimizer_params additional parameters that will override the optimizer's current parameters (e.g. lr). Notes ----- Note that both input and output are **not** of type ``torch.Tensor`` - the conversion to and from ``torch.Tensor`` is made inside this function. References ---------- `optimizer_step` """ architecture.train() if n_targets >= 0: n_inputs = len(inputs) - n_targets else: n_inputs = -n_targets assert 0 <= n_inputs <= len(inputs) inputs = sequence_to_var(*inputs, device=architecture) inputs, targets = inputs[:n_inputs], inputs[n_inputs:] with torch.cuda.amp.autocast(scaler is not None or torch.is_autocast_enabled()): loss = criterion(architecture(*inputs), *targets) if loss_key is not None: optimizer_step( optimizer, loss[loss_key] / gradient_accumulation_steps, scaler=scaler, clip_grad=clip_grad, accumulate=accumulate, **optimizer_params, ) return dmap(to_np, loss) optimizer_step( optimizer, loss / gradient_accumulation_steps, scaler=scaler, clip_grad=clip_grad, accumulate=accumulate, **optimizer_params, ) return to_np(loss)
[docs]def inference_step(*inputs: np.ndarray, architecture: Module, activation: Callable = identity, amp: bool = False) -> np.ndarray: """ Returns the prediction for the given ``inputs``. Notes ----- Note that both input and output are **not** of type ``torch.Tensor`` - the conversion to and from ``torch.Tensor`` is made inside this function. Inputs will be converted to fp16 if ``amp`` is True. """ architecture.eval() # NumPy >= 1.24 warns about underflow during cast which is really insignificant if amp: with np.errstate(under='ignore'): inputs = tuple(np.asarray(x, dtype=np.float16) for x in inputs) with torch.no_grad(): with torch.cuda.amp.autocast(amp or torch.is_autocast_enabled()): return to_np(activation(architecture(*sequence_to_var(*inputs, device=architecture))))
[docs]@collect def multi_inference_step(*inputs: np.ndarray, architecture: Module, activations: Union[Callable, Sequence[Union[Callable, None]]] = identity, amp: bool = False) -> np.ndarray: """ Returns the prediction for the given ``inputs``. The ``architecture`` is expected to return a sequence of torch.Tensor objects. Notes ----- Note that both input and output are **not** of type ``torch.Tensor`` - the conversion to and from ``torch.Tensor`` is made inside this function. Inputs will be converted to fp16 if ``amp`` is True. """ architecture.eval() # NumPy >= 1.24 warns about underflow during cast which is really insignificant if amp: with np.errstate(under='ignore'): inputs = tuple(np.asarray(x, dtype=np.float16) for x in inputs) with torch.no_grad(): with torch.cuda.amp.autocast(amp or torch.is_autocast_enabled()): results = architecture(*sequence_to_var(*inputs, device=architecture)) if callable(activations): activations = [activations] * len(results) for activation, result in zip_equal(activations, results): if activation is not None: result = activation(result) yield to_np(result)
@np.deprecate def do_train_step(*inputs, lr, inputs2logits, optimizer, logits2loss): return train_step(*inputs, lr=lr, architecture=inputs2logits, criterion=logits2loss, optimizer=optimizer) @np.deprecate def do_inf_step(*inputs, inputs2logits, logits2pred): return inference_step(*inputs, architecture=inputs2logits, activation=logits2pred)