Source code for dpipe.torch.utils

from pathlib import Path
from typing import Callable, Union, Iterable, Iterator

import numpy as np
import torch
from torch import nn
from torch.optim import Optimizer
from torch.nn.parameter import Parameter
from torch.nn.modules.batchnorm import _BatchNorm

from import PathLike
from dpipe.itertools import squeeze_first, collect

__all__ = [
    'load_model_state', 'save_model_state',
    'get_device', 'to_device', 'is_on_cuda', 'to_cuda',
    'to_var', 'sequence_to_var', 'to_np', 'sequence_to_np',
    'set_params', 'set_lr', 'get_parameters', 'has_batchnorm',

Device = Union[torch.device, nn.Module, torch.Tensor, str]
ArrayLike = Union[np.ndarray, Iterable, int, float]

[docs]def load_model_state(module: nn.Module, path: PathLike, modify_state_fn: Callable = None, strict: bool = True): """ Updates the ``module``'s state dict by the one located at ``path``. Parameters ---------- module: nn.Module path: PathLike modify_state_fn: Callable(current_state, state_to_load) if not ``None``, two arguments will be passed to the function: current state of the model and the state loaded from the path. This function should modify states as needed and return the final state to load. For example, it could help you to transfer weights from similar but not completely equal architecture. strict: bool """ state_to_load = torch.load(path, map_location=get_device(module)) if modify_state_fn is not None: current_state = module.state_dict() state_to_load = modify_state_fn(current_state, state_to_load) module.load_state_dict(state_to_load, strict=strict)
[docs]def save_model_state(module: nn.Module, path: PathLike): """Saves the ``module``'s state dict to ``path``.""" path = Path(path) path.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True), path)
[docs]def get_device(x: Device = None) -> torch.device: """ Determines the correct device based on the input. Parameters ---------- x: torch.device, torch.nn.Module, torch.Tensor, str, None | if ``torch.Tensor`` - returns the device on which it is located | if ``torch.nn.Module`` - returns the device on which its parameters are located | if ``str`` or ``torch.device`` - returns `torch.device(x)` | if ``None`` - same as 'cuda' if CUDA is available, 'cpu' otherwise. """ if isinstance(x, nn.Module): try: return next(x.parameters()).device except StopIteration: raise ValueError('The device could not be determined as the passed model has no parameters.') from None if isinstance(x, torch.Tensor): return x.device if x is None: x = 'cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu' return torch.device(x)
def is_on_cuda(x: Union[nn.Module, torch.Tensor]): if isinstance(x, nn.Module): x = next(x.parameters()) return x.is_cuda
[docs]def to_var(*arrays: ArrayLike, device: Device = 'cpu', requires_grad: bool = False): """ Convert numpy arrays to torch Tensors. Parameters ---------- arrays: array-like objects, that will be converted to torch Tensors. device the device on which to move ``x``. See `get_device` for details. requires_grad whether the tensors require grad. Notes ----- If ``arrays`` contains a single argument the result will not be contained in a tuple: >>> x = to_var(x) >>> x, y = to_var(x, y) If this is not the desired behaviour, use `sequence_to_var`, which always returns a tuple of tensors. """ return squeeze_first(tuple(sequence_to_var(*arrays, device=device, requires_grad=requires_grad)))
[docs]def to_np(*tensors: torch.Tensor): """ Convert torch Tensors to numpy arrays. Notes ----- If ``tensors`` contains a single argument the result will not be contained in a tuple: >>> x = to_np(x) >>> x, y = to_np(x, y) If this is not the desired behaviour, use `sequence_to_np`, which always returns a tuple of arrays. """ return squeeze_first(tuple(sequence_to_np(*tensors)))
@collect def sequence_to_var(*arrays: ArrayLike, device: Device = 'cpu', requires_grad: bool = False): for x in arrays: x = torch.from_numpy(np.asarray(x)) if requires_grad: x.requires_grad_() yield to_device(x, device) @collect def sequence_to_np(*tensors: torch.Tensor): for x in tensors: yield
[docs]def to_device(x: Union[nn.Module, torch.Tensor], device: Union[Device, None] = 'cpu'): """ Move ``x`` to ``device``. Parameters ---------- x device the device on which to move ``x``. See `get_device` for details. """ return
[docs]def to_cuda(x, cuda: Union[nn.Module, torch.Tensor, bool] = None): """ Move ``x`` to cuda if specified. Parameters ---------- x cuda whether to move to cuda. If None, torch.cuda.is_available() is used to determine that. """ if isinstance(cuda, (nn.Module, torch.Tensor)): cuda = is_on_cuda(cuda) if cuda or (cuda is None and torch.cuda.is_available()): x = x.cuda() return x
[docs]def set_lr(optimizer: Optimizer, lr: float) -> Optimizer: """Change an ``optimizer``'s learning rate to ``lr``.""" return set_params(optimizer, lr=lr)
[docs]def set_params(optimizer: Optimizer, **params) -> Optimizer: """Change an ``optimizer``'s parameters by the ones passed in ``params``.""" for name, value in params.items(): updated = False for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: if name in param_group: param_group[name] = value updated = True if not updated: raise ValueError(f"The optimizer doesn't have a parameter named `{name}`.") return optimizer
[docs]def order_to_mode(order: int, dim: int): """ Converts the order of interpolation to a "mode" string. Examples -------- >>> order_to_mode(1, 3) 'trilinear' """ if order == 0: return 'nearest' mapping = { (1, 1): 'linear', (1, 2): 'bilinear', (1, 3): 'trilinear', (3, 2): 'bicubic', } if (order, dim) not in mapping: raise ValueError(f'Invalid order of interpolation passed ({order}) for dim={dim}.') return mapping[order, dim]
[docs]def get_parameters(optimizer: Optimizer) -> Iterator[Parameter]: """Returns an iterator over model parameters stored in ``optimizer``.""" for group in optimizer.param_groups: for param in group['params']: yield param
[docs]def has_batchnorm(architecture: nn.Module) -> bool: """Check whether ``architecture`` has BatchNorm module""" for module in architecture.modules(): if isinstance(module, _BatchNorm): return True return False