Source code for dpipe.batch_iter.sources

from typing import Sequence, Callable, Union

import numpy as np

from bisect import bisect

from dpipe.itertools import pam, squeeze_first

__all__ = 'sample', 'load_by_random_id'

[docs]def sample(sequence: Sequence, weights: Sequence[float] = None, random_state: Union[np.random.RandomState, int] = None): """ Infinitely yield samples from ``sequence`` according to ``weights``. Parameters ---------- sequence: Sequence the sequence of elements to sample from. weights: Sequence[float], None, optional the weights associated with each element. If ``None``, the weights are assumed to be equal. Should be the same size as ``sequence``. random_state: int, np.random.RandomState, None, optional if not ``None``, used to set the random seed for reproducibility reasons. """ if not isinstance(random_state, np.random.RandomState): random_state = np.random.RandomState(random_state) if weights is None: # works faster than random_state.randint(0, len(sequence)) size = len(sequence) while True: yield sequence[int(random_state.random_sample() * size)] else: weights = np.asarray(weights) assert len(sequence) == len(weights), (len(sequence), len(weights)) assert (weights >= 0).all() and (weights > 0).any(), weights weights = weights / weights.sum() weights_accum = np.add.accumulate(weights) max_idx = len(sequence) - 1 while True: # `max(min(bisect, max_idx), 0)` - it sometimes runs out of range on +-1 index. Works faster than np.clip yield sequence[max(min(bisect(weights_accum, random_state.random_sample()), max_idx), 0)]
[docs]def load_by_random_id(*loaders: Callable, ids: Sequence, weights: Sequence[float] = None, random_state: Union[np.random.RandomState, int] = None): """ Infinitely yield objects loaded by ``loaders`` according to the identifier from ``ids``. The identifiers are randomly sampled from ``ids`` according to the ``weights``. Parameters ---------- loaders: Callable function, which loads object by its id. ids: Sequence the sequence of identifiers to sample from. weights: Sequence[float], None, optional The weights associated with each id. If ``None``, the weights are assumed to be equal. Should be the same size as ``ids``. random_state: int, np.random.RandomState, None, optional if not ``None``, used to set the random seed for reproducibility reasons. """ for id_ in sample(ids, weights, random_state): yield squeeze_first(tuple(pam(loaders, id_)))