Source code for dpipe.layers.resblock

from functools import partial

import numpy as np
import torch.nn as nn

from dpipe.layers import PreActivationND
from import identity
from import crop_to_shape

[docs]class ResBlock(nn.Module): """ Performs a sequence of two convolutions with residual connection (Residual Block). .. in ---> (BN --> activation --> Conv) --> (BN --> activation --> Conv) -- + --> out | ^ | | -------------------------------------------------------------------- Parameters ---------- in_channels: int the number of incoming channels. out_channels: int the number of the `ResBlock` output channels. Note, if ``in_channels`` != ``out_channels``, then linear transform will be applied to the shortcut. kernel_size: int, tuple size of the convolving kernel. stride: int, tuple, optional stride of the convolution. Default is 1. Note, if stride is greater than 1, then linear transform will be applied to the shortcut. padding: int, tuple, optional zero-padding added to all spatial sides of the input. Default is 0. dilation: int, tuple, optional spacing between kernel elements. Default is 1. bias: bool if ``True``, adds a learnable bias to the output. Default is ``False``. activation_module: None, nn.Module, optional module to build up activation layer. Default is ``torch.nn.ReLU``. conv_module: nn.Module module to build up convolution layer with given parameters, e.g. ``torch.nn.Conv3d``. batch_norm_module: nn.Module module to build up batch normalization layer, e.g. ``torch.nn.BatchNorm3d``. kwargs additional arguments passed to ``conv_module``. """ def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, *, kernel_size, stride=1, padding=0, dilation=1, bias=False, activation_module=nn.ReLU, conv_module, batch_norm_module, **kwargs): super().__init__() # ### Features path ### pre_activation = partial( PreActivationND, kernel_size=kernel_size, padding=padding, dilation=dilation, activation_module=activation_module, conv_module=conv_module, batch_norm_module=batch_norm_module, **kwargs ) self.conv_path = nn.Sequential(pre_activation(in_channels, out_channels, stride=stride, bias=False), pre_activation(out_channels, out_channels, bias=bias)) # ### Shortcut ### spatial_difference = np.floor( np.asarray(dilation) * (np.asarray(kernel_size) - 1) - 2 * np.asarray(padding) ).astype(int) if not (spatial_difference >= 0).all(): raise ValueError(f"The output's shape cannot be greater than the input's shape. ({spatial_difference})") if in_channels != out_channels or stride != 1: self.adjust_to_stride = conv_module(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=1, stride=stride, bias=bias) else: self.adjust_to_stride = identity def forward(self, x): x_conv = self.conv_path(x) shape = x_conv.shape[2:] axes = range(-len(shape), 0) x_skip = crop_to_shape(self.adjust_to_stride(x), shape=shape, axis=axes) return x_conv + x_skip
ResBlock1d = partial(ResBlock, conv_module=nn.Conv1d, batch_norm_module=nn.BatchNorm1d) ResBlock2d = partial(ResBlock, conv_module=nn.Conv2d, batch_norm_module=nn.BatchNorm2d) ResBlock3d = partial(ResBlock, conv_module=nn.Conv3d, batch_norm_module=nn.BatchNorm3d)