Source code for dpipe.train.checkpoint

import pickle
import shutil
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, Sequence, Union

import torch
from import composition
from import PathLike

__all__ = 'Checkpoints', 'CheckpointManager'

def save_pickle(o, path: PathLike):
    if hasattr(o, '__getstate__'):
        state = o.__getstate__()
        state = o.__dict__

    with open(path, 'wb') as file:
        pickle.dump(state, file)

def load_pickle(o, path: PathLike):
    with open(path, 'rb') as file:
        state = pickle.load(file)

    if hasattr(o, '__setstate__'):
        for key, value in state.items():
            setattr(o, key, value)

def save_torch(o, path: PathLike):, path)

def load_torch(o, path: PathLike):

[docs]class Checkpoints: """ Saves the most recent iteration to ``base_path`` and removes the previous one. Parameters ---------- base_path: str path to save/restore checkpoint object in/from. objects: Dict[PathLike, Any] objects to save. Each key-value pair represents the path relative to ``base_path`` and the corresponding object. frequency: int the frequency with which the objects are stored. By default only the latest checkpoint is saved. """ def __init__(self, base_path: PathLike, objects: Union[Iterable, Dict[PathLike, Any]], frequency: int = None): self.base_path: Path = Path(base_path) self._checkpoint_prefix = 'checkpoint_' if not isinstance(objects, dict): objects = self._generate_unique_names(objects) self.objects = objects or {} self.frequency = frequency or float('inf') @staticmethod @composition(dict) def _generate_unique_names(objects): names = set() for o in objects: name = type(o).__name__ if name in names: idx = 1 while f'{name}_{idx}' in names: idx += 1 name = f'{name}_{idx}' assert name not in names names.add(name) yield name, o def _get_checkpoint_folder(self, iteration: int): return self.base_path / f'{self._checkpoint_prefix}{iteration}' def _clear_checkpoint(self, iteration: int): if (iteration + 1) % self.frequency != 0: shutil.rmtree(self._get_checkpoint_folder(iteration)) @staticmethod def _dispatch_saver(o): if isinstance(o, (torch.nn.Module, torch.optim.Optimizer)): return save_torch return save_pickle @staticmethod def _dispatch_loader(o): if isinstance(o, (torch.nn.Module, torch.optim.Optimizer)): return load_torch return load_pickle def _save_to(self, folder: Path): for path, o in self.objects.items(): save = self._dispatch_saver(o) save(o, folder / path)
[docs] def save(self, iteration: int, train_losses: Sequence = None, metrics: dict = None): """Save the states of all tracked objects.""" current_folder = self._get_checkpoint_folder(iteration) current_folder.mkdir(parents=True) self._save_to(current_folder) if iteration: self._clear_checkpoint(iteration - 1)
[docs] def restore(self) -> int: """Restore the most recent states of all tracked objects and return next iteration's index.""" if not self.base_path.exists(): return 0 max_iteration = -1 for file in self.base_path.iterdir(): filename = if filename.startswith(self._checkpoint_prefix): max_iteration = max(max_iteration, int(filename[len(self._checkpoint_prefix):])) # no backups found if max_iteration < 0: return 0 iteration = max_iteration + 1 last_folder = self._get_checkpoint_folder(iteration - 1) for path, o in self.objects.items(): load = self._dispatch_loader(o) load(o, last_folder / path) return iteration
CheckpointManager = Checkpoints