Source code for imops.zoom

from platform import python_version
from typing import Callable, Sequence, Union
from warnings import warn

import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import zoom as _scipy_zoom

from .backend import BackendLike, resolve_backend
from .src._fast_zoom import (
    _zoom3d_linear as cython_fast_zoom3d_linear,
    _zoom3d_nearest as cython_fast_zoom3d_nearest,
    _zoom4d_linear as cython_fast_zoom4d_linear,
    _zoom4d_nearest as cython_fast_zoom4d_nearest,
from .src._zoom import (
    _zoom3d_linear as cython_zoom3d_linear,
    _zoom3d_nearest as cython_zoom3d_nearest,
    _zoom4d_linear as cython_zoom4d_linear,
    _zoom4d_nearest as cython_zoom4d_nearest,
from .utils import (

def scipy_zoom(*args, grid_mode, **kwargs):
    return _scipy_zoom(*args, **kwargs)

scipy_zoom = scipy_zoom if python_version()[:3] == '3.6' else _scipy_zoom

def _choose_cython_zoom(ndim: int, order: int, fast: bool) -> Callable:
    assert ndim <= 4, ndim
    assert order in (0, 1), order

    if ndim <= 3:
        if order == 0:
            return cython_fast_zoom3d_nearest if fast else cython_zoom3d_nearest

        return cython_fast_zoom3d_linear if fast else cython_zoom3d_linear

    if order == 0:
        return cython_fast_zoom4d_nearest if fast else cython_zoom4d_nearest

    return cython_fast_zoom4d_linear if fast else cython_zoom4d_linear

def _choose_numba_zoom(ndim: int, order: int) -> Callable:
    assert ndim <= 4, ndim
    assert order in (0, 1), order

    if ndim <= 3:
        if order == 0:
            from .src._numba_zoom import _zoom3d_nearest as numba_zoom
            from .src._numba_zoom import _zoom3d_linear as numba_zoom
    elif order == 0:
        from .src._numba_zoom import _zoom4d_nearest as numba_zoom
        from .src._numba_zoom import _zoom4d_linear as numba_zoom

    return numba_zoom

[docs]def zoom( x: np.ndarray, scale_factor: AxesParams, axis: AxesLike = None, order: int = 1, fill_value: Union[float, Callable] = 0, num_threads: int = -1, backend: BackendLike = None, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Rescale `x` according to `scale_factor` along the `axis`. Uses a fast parallelizable implementation for fp32 / fp64 (and int16-32-64 if order == 0) inputs, ndim <= 4 and order = 0 or 1. Parameters ---------- x: np.ndarray n-dimensional array scale_factor: AxesParams float or sequence of floats describing how to scale along axes axis: AxesLike axis along which array will be scaled order: int order of interpolation fill_value: float | Callable value to fill past edges. If Callable (e.g. `numpy.min`) - `fill_value(x)` will be used num_threads: int the number of threads to use for computation. Default = the cpu count. If negative value passed cpu count + num_threads + 1 threads will be used backend: BackendLike which backend to use. `numba`, `cython` and `scipy` are available, `cython` is used by default Returns ------- zoomed: np.ndarray zoomed array Examples -------- >>> zoomed = zoom(x, 2, axis=[0, 1]) # 3d array >>> zoomed = zoom(x, [1, 2, 3]) # different scales along each axes >>> zoomed = zoom(x.astype(int)) # will fall back to scipy's implementation because of int dtype """ x = np.asarray(x) axis, scale_factor = broadcast_axis(axis, x.ndim, scale_factor) scale_factor = fill_by_indices(np.ones(x.ndim, 'float64'), scale_factor, axis) if callable(fill_value): fill_value = fill_value(x) return _zoom(x, scale_factor, order=order, cval=fill_value, num_threads=num_threads, backend=backend)
[docs]def zoom_to_shape( x: np.ndarray, shape: AxesLike, axis: AxesLike = None, order: int = 1, fill_value: Union[float, Callable] = 0, num_threads: int = -1, backend: BackendLike = None, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Rescale `x` to match `shape` along the `axis`. Uses a fast parallelizable implementation for fp32 / fp64 (and int16-32-64 if order == 0) inputs, ndim <= 4 and order = 0 or 1. Parameters ---------- x: np.ndarray n-dimensional array shape: AxesLike float or sequence of floats describing desired lengths along axes axis: AxesLike axis along which array will be scaled order: int order of interpolation fill_value: float | Callable value to fill past edges. If Callable (e.g. `numpy.min`) - `fill_value(x)` will be used num_threads: int the number of threads to use for computation. Default = the cpu count. If negative value passed cpu count + num_threads + 1 threads will be used backend: BackendLike which backend to use. `numba`, `cython` and `scipy` are available, `cython` is used by default Returns ------- zoomed: np.ndarray zoomed array Examples -------- >>> zoomed = zoom_to_shape(x, [3, 4, 5]) # 3d array >>> zoomed = zoom_to_shape(x, [6, 7], axis=[1, 2]) # zoom to shape along specified axes >>> zoomed = zoom_to_shape(x.astype(int)) # will fall back to scipy's implementation because of int dtype """ x = np.asarray(x) axis, shape = broadcast_axis(axis, x.ndim, shape) old_shape = np.array(x.shape, 'float64') new_shape = np.array(fill_by_indices(x.shape, shape, axis), 'float64') return zoom( x, new_shape / old_shape, range(x.ndim), order=order, fill_value=fill_value, num_threads=num_threads, backend=backend, )
def _zoom( input: np.ndarray, zoom: Sequence[float], output: np.ndarray = None, order: int = 1, mode: str = 'constant', cval: float = 0.0, prefilter: bool = True, *, grid_mode: bool = False, num_threads: int = -1, backend: BackendLike = None, ) -> np.ndarray: """ Faster parallelizable version of `scipy.ndimage.zoom` for fp32 / fp64 (and int16-32-64 if order == 0) inputs. Works faster only for ndim <= 4. Shares interface with `scipy.ndimage.zoom` except for - `num_threads` argument defining how many threads to use (all available threads are used by default). - `backend` argument defining which backend to use. `numba`, `cython` and `scipy` are available, `cython` is used by default. See `` """ backend = resolve_backend(backend) if not in ('Scipy', 'Numba', 'Cython'): raise ValueError(f'Unsupported backend "{}".') ndim = input.ndim dtype = input.dtype cval = np.dtype(dtype).type(cval) zoom = fill_by_indices(np.ones(input.ndim, 'float64'), zoom, range(input.ndim)) num_threads = normalize_num_threads(num_threads, backend) if == 'Scipy': return scipy_zoom( input, zoom, output=output, order=order, mode=mode, cval=cval, prefilter=prefilter, grid_mode=grid_mode ) if ( (order not in (0, 1)) or ( dtype not in (np.float32, np.float64) if order == 1 else dtype not in (np.float32, np.float64, np.int16, np.int32, np.int64) ) or ndim > 4 or output is not None or mode != 'constant' or grid_mode ): warn( 'Fast zoom is only supported for ndim<=4, dtype=fp32 or fp64 (and int16-32-64 if order == 0), output=None, ' "order=0 or 1, mode='constant', grid_mode=False. Falling back to scipy's implementation.", ) return scipy_zoom( input, zoom, output=output, order=order, mode=mode, cval=cval, prefilter=prefilter, grid_mode=grid_mode ) if == 'Cython': src_zoom = _choose_cython_zoom(ndim, order, if == 'Numba': from numba import get_num_threads, njit, set_num_threads old_num_threads = get_num_threads() set_num_threads(num_threads) njit_kwargs = {kwarg: getattr(backend, kwarg) for kwarg in backend.__dataclass_fields__.keys()} src_zoom = njit(**njit_kwargs)(_choose_numba_zoom(ndim, order)) n_dummy = 3 - ndim if ndim <= 3 else 0 if n_dummy: input = input[(None,) * n_dummy] zoom = [*(1,) * n_dummy, *zoom] zoom = np.array(zoom, dtype=np.float64) is_contiguous = c_contiguous_permutaion = None args = () if in ('Numba',) else (num_threads,) if not is_contiguous: c_contiguous_permutaion = get_c_contiguous_permutaion(input) if c_contiguous_permutaion is not None: out = src_zoom( np.transpose(input, c_contiguous_permutaion), zoom[c_contiguous_permutaion], cval, *args, ) else: warn("Input array can't be represented as C-contiguous, performance can drop a lot.") out = src_zoom(input, zoom, cval, *args) else: out = src_zoom(input, zoom, cval, *args) if c_contiguous_permutaion is not None: out = np.transpose(out, inverse_permutation(c_contiguous_permutaion)) if n_dummy: out = out[(0,) * n_dummy] if == 'Numba': set_num_threads(old_num_threads) return out